The Evan Brown Corporation has a philosophy, the EBC Philosophy, which drives the entire EBC family. The EBC believes in uplifting society as a whole, as communities and as individuals. We do this by providing the resources they need to do so. This is done through creating businesses that believe and follow the EBC’s Philosophy. The Philosophy is the foundation of the EBC Culture. The EBC’s Philosophy is found in the letters E.B.C.

E is for Excellence in all things;

B is for the Building up, growth and success of the individual; and

C is for Compassionate Service to Family Members and Friends.

The EBC is dedicated to taking care of its Family Members (our employees) and Friends (our customers). If a Family Member is or feels like the odd man out, stifled, restricted, held back, misused or abused, our Friends will not trust our companies. If a Family Member is and feels as though he or she belongs, is recognized, appreciated, encouraged, valued, listened to and compensated well, this belonging will be conveyed to our Friends.

This philosophy is lived at all Evan Brown Companies: The EBC, The Brown Business Corp, Silver Screen Cinema Studios & Silver Screen Cinema Productions.

This philosophy will be covered in The EBC Leadership Institute. The EBC Leadership Institute will be launching soon.