The Evan Brown Corporation was established on July 29th of 2015 by Evan P Brown to help communities and individuals create a positive impact in the world.

This is done by facilitating the creation, purchase, building and selling of companies that will benefit the communities in which they are established and operated, in order to enrich companies, communities, individuals and families, and the world as a whole.

By staying true to correct principles, The Evan Brown Corporation will in turn, uphold and raise the standards of society through the companies owned and operated under its name.

All Evan Brown Companies adhere to The EBC Philosophy.

At The Evan Brown Corporation we know you are the kind of person who wants to live the best life possible.  In order for this to happen, you need to consistently achieve your goals and keep your Promises. 

The problem is your goals keep staying dreams instead of realities. This makes you feel as if they will always stay that way.  We believe that you should achieve their goals. You should be living your dreams making them realities.  This isn’t easy, but it is possible.  That’s why we provide tips and techniques to help you grow your skills and talents and help people like you keep your Promises.  

Here’s how it works.  First, follow the Entheos Initiative. Second, purchase our products. Third, follow the steps outlined.  So, follow the Entheos Initiative today so you can start making your dreams a reality and living your best life. 

The Evan Brown Companies:

Our Research & Development Companies

Brown Business Corp Subsidiaries

Our Entertainment Companies

Studio Subsidiaries