Announcing The Promise Code!

Announcing The Promise Code!

Available July 29, 2023!

Howdy! I’m Evan Brown and if you’re like me, you have big dreams and lofty goals.  I currently own and operate 4 companies and that’s just the beginning of what I want to do. 

We, as human beings, are a goal setting people.  It’s part of our makeup.  We’re always trying to accomplish something.  Our brains are wired to work on projects and ideas 24/7.  Our subconscious mind never stops working.  

The practice of setting goals is running rampant.  Everyone does it.  We see this at work, in school. We see this every year, January 1st. However, setting a goal is a lot easier than achieving a goal.

If your dreams are good enough for the new year, why wait for January 1st.  The Start of your new year begins now.  Your new year begins every morning.  It begins today. 

At the Evan Brown Corporation, we know you’re the kind of person who wants to achieve your goals, keep your promises, and live the life you want.  In order to for that to happen your goals and dreams can’t continue to sit on the shelf.  The problem is, everyone is talking about goals and to set them, yet they never talk about how to achieve them. 

You should achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality.  It’s time to stop talking about setting goals.  It’s time to focus on achieving them. 

To help you do this we are excited to announce The Promise Code.  The Promise Code is a step-by-step process you can use to plan out your goals and promises, so you can work your plan and track your progress and achieve your goals! 

The Promise Code will be available July 29th.

Here’s how it works.  After you purchase the Promise Code, you:

1: Pick a Promise you want to Keep

2: Plan out How to keep your Promise &

3: Keep to the Code

Purchase the Promise Code when it’s available so you can stop watching your dreams and goals continue to sit and gather dust on the shelf and start making them your reality. 

Available July 29, 2023!